Monday, September 26, 2011

Day 6....Monday

It is Monday already !  As I write it is almost 11:00 p.m. Our full day is winding down. The hours pass so quickly and before I know it the night has come.

This morning we went shopping at  a market that reminded me of the trips we have taken to Mexico for vacation. Each vendor desires for you to stop and come in to see all that they have to offer. Each will give you a "bargain."  "Almost free" is a familiar phrase I often heard.

While waiting in heavy traffic a vendor was peddling potato chips. Yes...we bought 2 bags ~ Outside of the city we saw a herd of goats and a few cows being herded by 2 men along the road.

We returned to the open air farmer`s market for more fruits and vegetables. I love this place !!!  The food is so inexpensive. A large pineapple was under $2.00. We stocked up for some future meals we are planning.I admired an apron on one of the women. I told her that I also wear an apron back in America. She looked at me and says..."You cook ?"  I reassured her I certainly do.
Roasting ears of corn on an open fire looked yummy. Julie gave a man who was missing his legs from the knees down, a few coins. He immediately went over and bought an ear of corn and was eating it as we drive off.

Back to downtown Nairobi where a very special treat was coming up....Kenyan COFFFFEEEEE !!!!
As we entered the Java House the aroma of fresh roasted coffee beans filled the air. The place reminds me of a modern American coffee house so it brought a special comfort. The place was full and it was mid afternoon. We bought a delicious late lunch. The other girls chose fish and chips while I decided on the tuna salad wrap with fruit. It was a small taste from heaven ~ The best part was to come !  Upon reading over the coffee selection I went for the Milindi machiatio (not spelled correctly but you get the point ). I didn`t want it to be too sweet so the girl brought the syrup on the side. Perfect ~  I ordered the largest size they offered which was made with 3 shots of espresso. Yes indeed !! was ohhhhhhhh so good ~ I savored every sip you can be sure.

Our last stop and one I was very excited about today was "The Rehema House." Rehema" is the Swahili word for mercy and is the name of the maternity home here in Kenya. It is a beautiful, safe guarded house with 12 maternity beds. They offer prenatal care ~ proper nutrition ~ counseling ~ ministry ~ skills and a safe place to stay and learn along with healing until they graduate from the program. Maureen, the director was waiting for us and came out to greet us when we pulled in. She has an amazing story ! She is 26 years old and lived life in the slums. God has raised her up in mighty ways. She is a beautiful loving spirit and the joy of God flows out from her.

Presently, there are 6 girls in the house. Recently one of the girls gave birth to a sweet baby girl named "Precious."  The mother is only 14 years old. These girls are just little girls themselves.When you see how young they come it breaks your heart. Maureen took us through the house and it was spotless. Each bedroom held 4 beds for the mothers and little beds for each baby when it arrived hooked onto the mother bed. We will post pics once we return so please be watching for these. The girls grow a large garden and I enjoyed seeing the banana trees. Maureen told us the monkeys come and steal the fruit often. There was a sewing room with 4 sewing machines in order for them to learn this skill. They also make the most lovely products from magazines that they sell. Jewelry, coasters, hearts, birds are just a few. We got to meet each girl and give them the flip flops and candy we had brought as gifts. Several of the girls were outside working rolling and folding the pages of brightly colored magazines for their work. We were deeply touched by this ministry and during dinner we shed many tears as we tried to process all that God showed and was telling us.

Here are just a few things to consider ~

Abortion is a volatile topic in Kenya.
Mothers often force their daughters into trading sex for food in the slums.
13,000 Kenyan girls are kicked out of school for being pregnant.
Annually, 21,000 women are hospitalized from having an illegal abortion in Kenya.
Every 30 minutes a woman is raped in Kenya.
More than 20,000 children are sex trafficked in Kenya.

He has shown you, O man, what is good : and what does the Lord require of you ?
   To act justly
      and love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.  Micah 6:8

May we all ask God what we can do around us each day to better serve and show His love and mercy.

Good night,

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