Sunday, September 25, 2011

Day 5....Sunday ~

Happy Sunday !  It is only the middle of the day for all of you..but we are relaxing at 10 p.m. with a good ole chocolate bar that my precious little Emerson (5 year old granddaughter) gave to me as a good-bye gift.It is a cool balmy evening. Very low humidity which reminds me of living in CO...ahhhh ~ I love the weather here.
Huge fluffy clouds filled the sky today ~

We headed to Parklands Baptist church for the 11:30 service. Throngs of people filled the parking lot. The church is a large congregation, over 1,000 people gathered for just this service. The youth met outside in a large tent. Praise music filled the air as we entered and walked upstairs to the balcony area. There were no pews or chairs. Long wooden benches wrapped around the bottom and top floors. A praise band played while 4 singers sang familiar songs to me. The pastor`s word was from Ezekiel 37: 1-14...prophesy to the dry bones. Lots and lots and lots of announcements !!  The congregation sings a welcome song for all the visitors. All engaged couples are called forward that have a wedding approaching soon. Little children were called up front and  for everyone who had a birthday...they sang. They were prayed for and dismissed to SS.
Fans above us blew warm air. Guess what time church was over ???  It was to end at 1:30 but it was 2:30 when we walked out. I hope you are not one who complains if your service goes a few minutes past ONE hour . There was enough time to doze off and have a small snack....ha ~

By the time we got to the car..yes...we were hungry !  Headed to a shopping plaza that was very modern. We ordered "Chicago style" pizza for lunch.

St.Monica`s Orphanage for girls was our next stop. The girls are between the ages of 8-18. They came out to meet us as we pulled down the long driveway. Many already knew Sabina and were so excited to see her again. We took the girls some gifts. Flip-flops, coloring books, lolli pops, soda and corn flour. For $22.00 we were able to purchase 12 - 5 pound bags of corn flour ~ 10 gallons of water ~ 15 sodas !  Please know that no matter what size of gift you donate to the ministry..large or you can see the money goes a long ways. Thank you again for giving as it brought joy to these children and for us to give to them.

For $200.00 we fed 50 households in the Sinai slums which equals as many as 250 + people. These people are so poor that they usually live off 1 meal per day.

Back to the house where the girls stay. It was very clean, spacious with lots of windows. Bunk beds filled the rooms with mosquito nets. Each bed held a small plastic colored basket with her own little belongings that were special to her. They had an outside kitchen area along with a clean kitchen inside where they learn to cook. A garden was outside along with the incinerator for burning all the trash. Laundry is done in big concrete tubs outside. We had to laugh as along the driveway we spotted a pointsetta growing with big red flowers....isn`t that something ????

Tonight over chocolate and hot tea we decided to watch a movie, "Swiss Family Robinson." However, our laughs and stories were shared for so long that we missed it for the second attempt...tuning in just in time to see "the end."

Bed time has come for us sweet dreams tomorrow again ~


1 comment:

  1. It's so excited to learn about your journey! Praying that you and those around you have a wonderful day! It is supposed to be 82 degrees here in PA today!
