Saturday, October 1, 2011

Day 11....

Saturday ~
   This morning we left the hotel and began our travel back to the city. It was a 4 hour drive but we had a ladies meeting scheduled at a small church in a village called Kabaa. The country side was simply beautiful. Fields of tea and coffee !  I had a small taste of heaven for sure ~ I just loved the sight of these lush green fields with women working with large woven baskets on their backs. Steep mountain slopes all green with growing plants.
White people just don`t come through this place. We actually were the first white missionaries ever to come to this town !  It was an honor to come and serve. The pastor told us they would be talking about this for a year.

The meeting was to begin at 11....but African time is much different and due to us arriving late...we started a few minutes past 1. As we began to get out of the van, the sound of women singing filled the air. What a joyful sound!  The pastor greeted us outside and was so full of the HS. He was a refreshing spirit. Since we had such a long drive, we had to use the washroom. we are on the side of a steep slope with the outhouse waiting for us !   We were brave ~ When it was my turn and I went in the door..let`s just say I swallowed hard..hehehehe. There was a small hole in the floor and the rest is history.  The view from the door was wonderful..that is the positive ~

We had an incredible time of praise and worship. The ladies sang loudly to the music of 2 drums covered in animal skin. I didn`t want it to end. Julie spoke a short encouraging message and when we had prayer at the end, I believe everyone came up front. The HS showed up in a mighty way ! The people were not afraid to loudly call out to God. What a refreshing time together ~  As we prayed for these precious people God`s spirit swept through. This time went on for awhile as we all knelt down and continued calling out to Him. They are in no rush and desire all they can get from God. The floor was covered with saw dust on top of the dirt and felt soft. More ~  The pastor shared with us they are saving in order to buy this plot of land they are renting. The cost is $5,000.00 American dollars. They have 1,000. thus far. The goal is by December 11. 2011. It touched us in a big way and we desire to help partner with them in any way we can. We were served soda and "white bread" which was actually a cookie but not sweet.

The church building was made up of metal. Wooden benches and plastic chairs for us. Up front was a small platform with a generator running for the sound system. Lovely blue printed material hung as decoration on the sides of the platform on the walls. No ceiling...just rafters and we could feel the heat from the metal roof.  Windows had white sheer coverings that blew in the breeze.Dirt floor covered in saw dust due to the mud that is easily brought in from being on the side of a slope.

Sabina translated whenever we spoke up front. We gave our African names and they loved that !
The pastor`s one daughter has the same nickname that comes from my name...chico.

Here are a few things I noticed during our travel time today .... fishing in the river with spears
....the words "to rent" Kenya it is "to let " passing each other and coming straight for YOU
....stopped along the road to buy produce at a local market. People literally ran to our van and held up their bunches of bananas, tomatoes, avocados, etc. All at the same time. A bit overwhelming. Our produce cost only 1.00 for each. Big bags and excellent quality.
....Del Monte pineapple fields...miles and miles
....Women gathered together at a local water hole washing clothes and laying them out on the dirt to dry
.....A shop with the sign "Late Night Chemist"

Arrived back to Sabina`s ready to crash for the evening. Dinner was tuna sandwiches and fruit. The sound of rain falling  is making us sleepy so I will close until tomorrow. Excited to attend a different church from last Sunday. Looking forward to the Holy Spirit falling again. Enjoy your Sunday too ~

   Wanjiku (debi)

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